Why I Prefer to Take a Car on my Trip to Aswan


I recently took a trip from Cairo down to Aswan in southern Egypt. Aswan is a beautiful city located along the Nile River known for its historic sites like the Aswan Dam and Philae Temple. There are a few different transportation options for making the approximately 10 hour journey between Cairo and Aswan, including public bus, train, or flying. However, for this trip I decided to rent a car and drive myself. In this blog post, I will explain some of the main reasons why I preferred taking a car over other forms of transportation for my trip to Aswan.

Flexibility and Independence

One of the biggest advantages of taking a car is the flexibility and independence it provides. When traveling by bus or train, you are confined to set schedules and routes that the transportation operator determines. If I wanted to stop somewhere along the way or change my plans, it would not be possible or very difficult. However, when driving my own rented car, I had complete control over the route and could stop anywhere I wanted along the way. This allowed me to explore places I was interested in seeing without being tied to a fixed schedule. I was also able to change plans if needed without relying on other transportation options. The freedom and flexibility of self-driving was really appealing for this trip.

Safety and Comfort

Another major factor in my decision was safety and comfort. While bus and train travel are generally safe options in Egypt, as the sole driver of a private car I had more control over my safety. I did not need to worry about theft or scams that sometimes occur on public transportation. I could also lock my luggage and belongings safely in the car. In terms of comfort, driving also allowed me to stop and rest whenever wanted without being confined to bus or train seats. I could control the temperature, music, and pacing of the trip based on my preferences rather than others. Overall the private vehicle felt like a much safer and more comfortable way to travel for such a long journey.

Views and Sights Along the Way

One aspect I really enjoyed about driving myself was being able to take in the beautiful scenery and sights along the route to Aswan. Much of the drive goes along the banks of the Nile River through agricultural lands and small villages. When traveling by bus or train, it can be difficult to fully appreciate the views from your window seat. However, as the driver I had more flexibility to stop the car when interesting landscapes or landmarks appeared. I could pull over and take my time photographing majestic cliffs or historic churches dotted along the river. Driving at my own pace allowed me to truly experience the changing scenery of Upper Egypt rather than just passively watching it from a transport window.

Cost Effectiveness

You may be surprised that cost was actually another advantage of taking a private car over buses or trains for this trip. Public transportation options are reasonably priced in Egypt but a few factors made renting a vehicle more worthwhile financially. By splitting the rental cost with 2 other travelers, our daily rate was very affordable. We also saved money by stopping roadside to eat inexpensive local meals rather than paying for train station restaurants. Filling the gas tank and packing some snacks meant little spent on the road. In the end, the flexibility and experience outweighed any small differences in ticket costs. For our group, renting turned out to be the most cost effective choice.

Avoiding Crowds and Delays

Public transportation in Egypt can sometimes experience long delays or become overcrowded, especially around holiday periods. By driving ourselves, we avoided any potential hassles of bus or train schedule changes, breakdowns, or not finding seats. We also prevented issues like long lines at stations or traffic jams affecting our travel timetable. As the only passengers in our rented car, we had space to stretch out and work without interfering with others. We were not beholden to any transportation schedule and could control our own pace. For a sensitive itinerary visiting specific sites, having full autonomy over our movement was reassuring.

New Experiences and Memories

Beyond pure logistics, one of my favorite parts about road tripping to Aswan was the unique experiences and wonderful memories it created. Interacting with friendly locals at roadside cafes, spotting fascinating landscapes, and feeling a sense of adventure all added to special trip moments. Taking turns at the wheel with my travel companions allowed us to deeply bond over conversations and shared sights. Arriving in Aswan after our 10 hour self-drive felt incredibly rewarding, like we had truly journeyed somewhere rather than just taken a transportation option. I knew I would look back very fondly on those memories of cruising down Egypt’s highways together. A simple bus or train ride could not have provided such treasured recollections.


In conclusion, while public transportation is great for many Egypt trips, I am very glad I opted to rent a car for my voyage from Cairo to Aswan. The independence, flexibility, comfort, and memorable experiences far outweighed any potential disadvantages for me personally. I would absolutely choose self-driving again if returning to Southern Egypt in the future. Overall, being in control of my own vehicle allowed me to truly appreciate the scenic beauty, interesting interactions, and rewarding sense of adventure along the journey. For those reasons, a private rental car was definitely my preferred method of getting to magical Aswan.

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